viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

Final -s pronunciation

Third Person in simple present: Final -s pronunciation

The conjugation of the verbs for he-she-it has a lot of extra requirements, right?! If you noticed, one particularity is that, in present simple, there are different posibilities when verbs are conjugated with those subjects (third person singular) and acquire an extra -s, -es or -ies at the end. 

Spelling rules

When pronuncing the final -s sound in the previous cases, we have three options. Here we have general rules for this topic.
  Start at 1:01

After those general principles, you may want to know what are the specific sounds with vibration that make the final -s sound like a Z; the sounds without vibration that make the final -s sound like a S; as well as the repeated sounds that make the final -s sound like a IZ. 

Lets practice. Here you have some games to check if you got these pronunciation rules.    

Practice. Part 1. Choose one of these comics. Describe the actions of the story in simple present tense and with he, she or it. Send a recording to the group of you reading the comic.

Part 2. Choose one of these videos and watch it. Describe what happens in the story by using he-she-it in simple present tense. Send a recording of you reading your summary/sentences.



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