miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

Overcoming your Fear of Speaking English

Do you want to develop confidence so you can use all the grammar, vocabulary and other resources you have studied about a second language like English?

Source: Own elaboration

Here are some tips to get over your fear of speaking in a second language.
Source: Adapted from Clark, 2020

Let's do some practice. Choose one object you know and like. It can be anything. Describe it using all the vocabulary and grammar you can. Use ALL the sentences you can... Just keep talking. 

In your free time and while practicing with classmates, use these materials during all your learning process. The manner and frequency depends on our individual capabilities, so think and choose how to use them. 
Source: Adapted from Dodds, 2021

Activity 3. Combining grammar and speaking practice.

Follow the same instruction of playing the game and then telling your opinion or personal information by using the same grammar or vocabulary.


Source: Own elaboration

More games https://wordwall.net/resource/541276/english/random-questions 
House and furniture https://es.educaplay.com/recursos-educativos/9288811-house_and_furniture.html
Do you go to these places? If not, where do you go? https://wordwall.net/resource/28235827/english/go-activities 
Can you play these sports? https://wordwall.net/resource/16978168/activities-4th-grade

Activity 4: Summary from Ted Talk. Listen to this oral presentation. Analyze it and comment it by using the same & differente grammar/vocabulary. Mention parts that you believe are important and not important/ new concepts for you / points where you agree or disagree. Record an audio or video with your answer and sent it to your teacher and classmates' group.

Source: Own elaboration


(2017). 7 Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Speaking English and Communicate with Courage. RealLife English. https://reallifeglobal.com/conquerfear/

Clark, G. (2020, 20 april). Afraid of speaking English? Read this! Clark and Miller. https://www.clarkandmiller.com/afraid-of-speaking-english/

Dodds, E. (2021). Speak Up! How to Improve Your Confidence in English. Leonardo English. https://www.leonardoenglish.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-confidence-in-english#toc-2

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