viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022

Past Participle Irregular verbs

 We can tell actions that ocurred in the past and we don't want to specify the moment, or that they began in the past and continue in the present (moment of speaking). That is called present perfect. The following is an example of how to use it in real situations. Pay attention that the verbs are not in simple past form. 

We have regular verbs which only need to have -ed after the base form of the verb, but we also have a lot of cases we must memorize. Here we have two options for learning common verbs. It's better if you learn the three forms of the same verb + the meaning. For today, we are using the past participle form.


Let's practice 1. Play with this game; choose the correct verb and then its correct past participle form.

All these verbs are commonly used in the present perfect tense. Let's check that topic so you can practice the regular and irregular verbs in past participle in different situations.
Present perfect: Grammar                                             Present perfect: When to use



Let's practice 2. In the next games you have to choose between simple past and past participle forms. Watch this video first to refresh the functions of each tense so you can complete the game correctly.



Games. Simple past vs present perfect

Final practice. Choose a common situation and send an audio to the WA group. The topic must be an every-day life situation like your personal information, work experience, traveling experience, etc. Tell your story about that topic with minimum 10 irregular verbs in past participle verbs, and 5 irregular verbs in simple past. Also use both simple past and present perfect in the correct situation.
For instance: I have lived in Costa Rica for 10 years. I moved with my family in 2012. We have bought a lot of plants for our house; those plants have grown so nice that I'm amazed.   

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

Pronunciation of verbs ending in -ed

Pronunciation of regular verbs in past simple (ending in -ed) 

To mention in English past actions that finished, we have irregular verbs and regular verbs. The second group is easier to study since they only need to receive "-ed" at the end. Maybe you have noticed that the -ed at the end of verbs doesn't keep the same pronunciation. For instance. The -ed at the end of "worked" is different from the -ed at the end of "lived" or "voted."

Listen to the story in Kung Fu Panda. Even if it's in past, do the verbs ending in -ed have the same pronunciation at the "-ed" final section?

Let's practice. 
You can also create some physical games such as bingos, memory cards, etc.


Is this pronunciation difficult for you? Do you have issues in words like "talked," "moved" and similar ones when they are in a sentence such as "Fran talked very fast"? Listen to the pronunciation of each word and of the complete sentence.
Don't worry. Native English speakers also have issues with this pronunciation. That's why they have principles to eliminate or reduce the pronunciation of the last -d or -t sounds. 

Watch from 1:30 to 6:20

Watch from 0:20 to 2:21

Let's practice. Part 2. 
Create a little explanation of the 2 situations where you can eliminate the -t or -d at the end of words. Make an infographic or power point presentation to show to your classmates & teacher. This is the original video. Use paint,, or another software to create the graphic (include rules, points that you pay attention to and pictures) and give examples.

This pronunciation principles apply to simple past and past participle forms. It means that this topic is useful in different tenses like simple past and perfect present.
Final practice. 
Part 1. Read the lyrics of Losing My Religion. Record an audio so you can check if you are pronouncing correcly the final sounds -t, d-, -ed. Send it when you believe you got the correct pronunciation. Please listen to the song so you get an idea of a natural pronunciation.

Part 2. Record an audio telling the story of what you did last month. Use simple past. Use also past participle in the story only if we studied that previously. Try to use only regular verbs (minimum 10 ending in -ed) and the correct pronunciation according to today's content. You can use also irregular verbs if your story needs them.

Overcoming your Fear of Speaking English

Do you want to develop confidence so you can use all the grammar, vocabulary and other resources you have studied about a second language like English?

Source: Own elaboration

Here are some tips to get over your fear of speaking in a second language.
Source: Adapted from Clark, 2020

Let's do some practice. Choose one object you know and like. It can be anything. Describe it using all the vocabulary and grammar you can. Use ALL the sentences you can... Just keep talking. 

In your free time and while practicing with classmates, use these materials during all your learning process. The manner and frequency depends on our individual capabilities, so think and choose how to use them. 
Source: Adapted from Dodds, 2021

Activity 3. Combining grammar and speaking practice.

Follow the same instruction of playing the game and then telling your opinion or personal information by using the same grammar or vocabulary.


Source: Own elaboration

More games
House and furniture
Do you go to these places? If not, where do you go? 
Can you play these sports?

Activity 4: Summary from Ted Talk. Listen to this oral presentation. Analyze it and comment it by using the same & differente grammar/vocabulary. Mention parts that you believe are important and not important/ new concepts for you / points where you agree or disagree. Record an audio or video with your answer and sent it to your teacher and classmates' group.

Source: Own elaboration


(2017). 7 Ways to Conquer Your Fear of Speaking English and Communicate with Courage. RealLife English.

Clark, G. (2020, 20 april). Afraid of speaking English? Read this! Clark and Miller.

Dodds, E. (2021). Speak Up! How to Improve Your Confidence in English. Leonardo English.