domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Who Moved My Cheese - Learning

During every personal development phase, motivation and real preparation is always needed. Sometimes, it comes by own experience, but other times, books like Who Moved My Cheese are a helpful tool for everyone.

From beginning to end, this book teaches about every day changes and difficulties, and how to reach our goals. Story is a metaphor, made for you to adapt it to your life and understand what you really want and how to get it. I recommend everyone to read it, you will learn and think about future, yours and your family's.
   What I learned is the importance of every life stage and actions (decisions) that a person do. When obstacles make us to deal with our own weaknesses or pride, if we want to keep searching for success, strange will come out, because human being is able to make changes and overcome issues and to her or him self. Good decisions and a clearly defined path are clues to happiness.

   Some conclusions that you can find in the text: “If You Do Not Change, You Become Extinct.” (46)
“What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?” (48)

Anticipate Change (Get ready for the cheese to move)

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Educate yourself to have a healthy life

         How to choose the healthy life and the right food?
That is a good question, and I have some clues.

There are cases of people who have healthy behaviors, so they live 100 years or more, but there are other cases where people smoke and don't do exercise, but aspects such as the place where they live (not in city), to don't be stress out or genetic could be the secret. However, if we want to make sure that we may live well and much, the compromise with yourself and your family must be present to do the right.
Don't eat fast food (junk food): you can find food pyramids on internet, or consult a professional in nutrition about how your diet should be like. Too much fat and modified products (meat of McDonald's, for example) will insert cholesterol or chemical sustances in your body.
Reduce stress: free time must be for relaxing and to do something you enjoy.
Exercising regularly: do safely what you enjoy and maintaining an active life style.
Keep you hydrated: around eight glasses of water are necessary to have healthy systems, to have energy, a nice skin and a good appearance.
 In short, serious information will help you in your choice. Go to the doctor regularly, and the more important: think what you want for your life and the people around you.  


jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


     We all heard about different kinds of cultures and we saw many differences between them. It is very interesting to know a little of a different culture than yours, but, do yo know the meaning of culture and its importance?

Culture is more than the food or the clothing, it refers to all the path of learning how lo live and to communicate. There are aspects that we can see (with media communication as television) but there are many other as values, feelings, relationships, marriages, behaviors (of religion or not) and others. 
A definition for this may be "Education of a person in a determinate place, who will follow the costumes of the place where he or she lives". There are many languages ​​and not one employed in all the world, however, we can respect and know how to communicate with a person of other country, that way, we will share and express our thoughts and feelings in a good experience.

Article's source:

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Expectations and how to improve


   When we enter in a English career, our thinking should be clear about the importance of the hard work in order to achieve the goals, and this is also for all the aspects of the life. I am studying to teach English to kids and, this way, to collaborate with their the future. Everybody knows that in the school (well, depending of the education system of every country) the topics are not of highly complex, but the "secret" of the good teacher is to dominate perfectly the topics and to have a real sense of satisfaction when he or she is working in the education system.

My expectations are what I just said: to collaborate for a better future, starting in the elementary schools, with the kids. A real learning, where the main objective of the professors is not the money; with positive and everyday topics, will leave a positive mark in the people of tomorrow. Of course, if your vocation is not to teach, it's all right, but what you have to remember is that everyone can dream and strive to achieve his or her dreams

   How to improve?
  First, answer the permanent question of the human being: "What do I want for my life?". Now, if you are currently in college and you really like your career, the effort and organization (and motivation from the family and friends...) must be present at all time. Just to words for you: love and dedication. After the most difficult moments, you see what you have achieved and those wins will be a motivation more in your life. 

What do you want for the future? More important: How will you get it?